Holidays in Romania 2023 (official and unofficial)

This publication will talk about the holidays in Romania 2023. We will give their exact dates, tell you when the holidays will be working days and when not. At the end of the publication you will find the calendar of Romanian holidays for 2023.

This may interest you:

What are the holidays in Romania

All holidays are divided into two types – public and unofficial. On unofficial holidays, the inhabitants of the country do not have a day free from work or study. A public holiday can also be a business day. In fact, all holidays in Romania are divided into three types:

  1. Public holiday and non-working day;
  2. Public holiday and working day;
  3. Unofficial holiday and working day.

Below we have listed all the holidays in Romania 2023. Opposite them, we have indicated what type they belong to. If nothing is specified, then this day is an unofficial holiday and a working day.


  • January 1, 2023, Sunday — New Year (public holiday, non-working day);
  • January 2, 2023, Monday — New Year’s Day, second day (public holiday, non-working day);
  • January 24, 2023, Tuesday – Romanian Unification Day (public holiday, non-working day).


  • February 14, 2023, Tuesday – Valentine’s Day;
  • Sunday 19 February 2023 — Constantin Brancusi Day;
  • February 24, 2023, Friday – Dragobete.

Who is Constantin Brancusi?

Constantin Brancusi was a Romanian-born sculptor and a pioneer of modern art. He transformed traditional notions of sculpture into new minimalist expressions of form and materiality. Brancusi studied at the School of Fine Arts in Bucharest and then moved to Paris in 1904. There he quickly established himself as an avant-garde artist influenced by Symbolism and Art Nouveau.

Brancusi exhibited regularly at the Salon d’Automne and became closely associated with the Parisian avant-garde, including Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. His contributions to contemporary sculpture have been recognized throughout the world through numerous exhibitions and retrospectives.


Dragobete is an ancient Romanian deity associated with love, fertility and the arrival of spring. He was honored on February 24 or 25 when young people gathered in the fields to take part in romantic rituals. Over time, Dragobete became identified with the Christian holiday of St. Valentine, although its pagan roots remained strong.

In our time, Dragobete remains an important part of the national culture of Romania, especially in rural areas where traditional customs are observed. Many believe that invoking Dragobeta will bring good luck and happiness to couples and families, making it an enduring symbol of love and harmony in Romanian culture.


  • March 1, 2023, Wednesday – Martisor;
  • March 8, 2023, Wednesday – International Women’s Day.

What is celebrated in Martisor?

Martisor is a traditional Romanian holiday in honor of the arrival of spring. The term “martisor” refers to a small symbolic ornament made of red and white thread, ribbon or cord, usually in the shape of a flower or butterfly. Red and white represent new beginnings and purity respectively.

Martisor is often given to loved ones as a sign of gratitude and affection, wishing them good luck and health in the new season. Besides its cultural significance, Martisor has also grown into an annual fundraising event for various charities and organizations across Romania.


  • Friday 14 April 2023 — Good Friday (public holiday, non-working day);
  • April 16, 2023, Sunday — Orthodox Easter (public holiday, non-working day);
  • April 17, 2023, Monday – Orthodox Easter Monday (public holiday, non-working day).


  • May 1, 2023, Monday – Labor Day (public holiday, non-working day);
  • May 7, 2023, Sunday – Mother’s Day;
  • May 10, 2023, Wednesday – Monarchy Day;
  • May 14, 2023, Sunday – Father’s Day;
  • May 25, 2023, Thursday – Ascension of Jesus Christ.


  • Thursday 1 June 2023 – Children’s Day (public holiday, non-working day);
  • June 4, 2023, Sunday – Orthodox Pentecost (public holiday, non-working day);
  • June 5, 2023, Monday – Trinity Monday (public holiday, non-working day);
  • Monday 26 June 2023 – Tricolor Day (official holiday, working day).


  • Saturday 29 July 2023 – National Anthem Day (official holiday, working day).


  • Tuesday 15 August 2023 – Assumption of the Virgin Mary (public holiday, non-working day).


  • October 31, 2023, Tuesday – Halloween.


  • Thursday 30 November 2023 — Saint Andrew’s Day (public holiday, non-working day).

Who is Saint Andrew?

Saint Andrew was one of the 12 apostles and brother of Saint Peter. He was born in Bethsaida, Israel, at the beginning of the first century. It is believed that he was a fisherman before Jesus Christ called him to become his disciple. Saint Andrew became one of Christ’s closest followers and is believed to have preached in modern Turkey, Greece and Russia after his crucifixion. He was martyred for his faith under Emperor Nero in the city of Patras, Greece.

Thus, Saint Andrew became the patron saint of Scotland and Russia, as well as fishermen, due to his former profession. His iconic symbol is the cross-shaped “X” which represents the type of cross on which he was crucified, the diagonal cross that became known as the St. Andrew’s Cross.


  • Friday 1 December 2023 — National Unity Day (public holiday, non-working day);
  • Friday 8 December 2023 — Constitution Day (official holiday, working day);
  • 24 December 2023, Sunday – Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve;
  • December 25, 2023, Monday — Christmas (public holiday, non-working day);
  • Tuesday 26 December 2023 – Boxing Day (public holiday, non-working day);
  • December 31, 2023, Sunday – New Year’s Eve.

Holidays in Romania 2023, calendar

Holidays in Romania 2023. Calendar.
Holidays in Romania 2023. Designations: red – a public holiday and a day off from work; orange – official holiday and working day; green is an unofficial holiday.

Useful links

In this publication, All-Holidays.Info has collected information about the holidays in Romania in 2023. We have given the dates of public and unofficial holidays, days free from work and study. We hope the article was useful to you. Don’t forget to share the post with your friends!