School holidays in Italy 2022-2023: exact dates by province

In this publication, we will tell you about the school holidays in Italy 2022-2023. Here are the end and start dates for summer, Christmas (New Year), Easter (spring) and carnival holidays. We will also indicate the dates of bridges (additional days off) for each region.

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Why are the school holidays in Italy 2022-2023 different in terms?

The dates of the beginning and end of holidays in Italian schools differ depending on the province. The fact is that Italy is more oriented from north to south than from west to east. Therefore, the climate in the country is not the same. Mountains and the proximity of the sea have a great influence on it.

The governing bodies approve the schedule so that the students rest in the most comfortable conditions. But shortening or lengthening the holidays will not work. According to the Italian website Studenti, according to the LEGISLATIVE DECREE of February 19, 2004, n. 59, students must attend school for at least 75% of all weekdays. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to take exams or be promoted to the next class.

It turns out that Italian students have to study 200 days per academic year. Because of this, the holidays cannot be extended. And if you shorten them – there will be no benefit from such a rest. Therefore, the school holidays in Italy 2022-2023 have a similar length regardless of the province.

What are the “bridges” of Italian schoolchildren?

Some provinces are establishing additional days off for schoolchildren and teachers. They are called “bridges”. Usually these are the days between holidays and weekends. For example, in 2022, October 31 is a bridge, an additional day off. It was established because October 30 is Sunday and November 1 is All Saints Day. Given this bridge, schoolchildren will be able to rest from Saturday 29 October to Tuesday 1 November.

Bridge on October 31 - additional small school holidays in Italy 2022-2023
Bridge on October 31, 2022 makes additional small school holidays in Italy 2022-2023.

Read more about bridges and school holidays in Italy 2022-2023 below. We have listed their start and end dates for each province.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24, 2022 to January 7, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Carnival holidays: from Monday, February 20 to Wednesday, February 22, 2023
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • Monday 31 October to Tuesday 1 November 2022;
  • From Monday 24 April to Tuesday 25 April 2023.

Bolzano school calendar for 2022-2023

  • First day of school: September 5, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 24, 2022 to January 8, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 11 April 2023.
  • Carnival holidays: from 20 to 26 February 2023.
  • Last school day: June 16, 2023.


  • October 31;
  • 9th December;
  • May 29.

School calendar of Lombardy for 2022-2023

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: 8 June 2023.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Trentino

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 23 to January 6, 2023.
  • Easter holidays 2023: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April.
  • Carnival holidays 2023: 20 and 21 February.
  • Last day of school: June 9th.


  • Monday 31 October and Tuesday 1 November 2022.

School calendar for 2022-2023 in Puglia

  • First day of school 2022: September 14;
  • Christmas holidays 2022-2023: from Friday 23 December to Sunday 8 January;
  • Easter holidays: from Thursday 6 to Tuesday 11 April;
  • Last day of school 2023: June 10, 2023 (preschool June 30).


  • April 24;
  • June 3rd.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Veneto

  • First day of school 2022: September 12;
  • Christmas holidays: from December 24, 2022 to Sunday January 8, 2023;
  • Carnival holidays 2023: from 20 to 22 February;
  • Easter holidays 2023: from 6 to 8 April;
  • Last day of school 2023: June 10, 2023 (preschool June 30, 2023).


  • 9th December;
  • April 24;
  • June 3rd.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Marche

  • First day of school: September 14, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24 to January 8, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • Wednesday, November 2, 2022.

Tuscany school calendar 2022-2023

  • First day of school: September 15, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24, 2022 to January 6, 2023.
  • Easter Holidays 2023: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April.
  • Last school day: June 10th.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Molise

  • First day of school: September 14, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 23 to January 7, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • November 2, 2022;
  • December 9 and 10, 2022;
  • February 22, 2023;
  • April 24, 2023;
  • June 3, 2023.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Valle d’Aosta

  • First day of school: September 19, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 24 to January 7, 2023.
  • Winter holidays: from 20 to 22 February 2023.
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 10 April 2023.
  • Last day of school: June 15th.


  • January 30 and 31, 2023;
  • April 24, 2023.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Campania

  • First day of school: September 13, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 23, 2022 to January 6, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • October 31 and November 1, 2022;
  • April 24 and 25, 2023;
  • May 1 and 2, 2023.

School calendar 2022-23 Basilicata

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24, 2022 to January 7, 2023.
  • Easter holidays 2023: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April.
  • Carnival holidays 2023: February 20-21.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • November 2, 2022.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Emilia Romagna

  • First day of school: September 15, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24 to January 6, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: June 7, 2023.


  • November 2, 2022.

School calendar in Calabria 2022-2023

  • First day of school: September 14, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays 2022-2023: from December 23 to January 7.
  • Easter holidays: from Thursday, April 6th to Tuesday, April 11th.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • October 31;
  • December 9 and 10;
  • April 24;
  • June 3rd.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Liguria

  • First day of school: September 14, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 23, 2022 to January 8, 2023.
  • Easter holidays 2023: Thursday 6 April to Tuesday 11 April.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • April 24;
  • October 31.

School calendar 2022-23 in Sicily

  • First day of school: September 19, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 23 to January 7, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 11 April 2023.
  • Last school day: June 10, 2023.

Piedmont school calendar 2022-2023

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays 2022-2023: from December 23 to January 7.
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 11 April 2023.
  • Carnival holidays 2023: 20 and 21 February.
  • Last school day: June 10th.

School calendar 2022-2023 Abruzzo

  • First day of school: September 12, 2022;
  • Christmas holidays: from December 24, 2022 to Sunday January 8;
  • Carnival holidays: from February 20 to February 22;
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 8 April;
  • Last day of school 2023: June 10, 2023 (preschool June 30).


  • November 30th;
  • April 24th.

School calendar 2022-2023 in Lazio

  • First day of school: September 15, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from December 23, 2022 to January 6, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: from 6 to 11 April.
  • Last day of school: June 8, 2023 (preschool June 30).

School calendar 2022-2023 Umbria

  • First day of school 2022: 14 September.
  • Christmas holidays 2022-2023: from Friday 23 December to Sunday 8 January.
  • Easter holidays: from Thursday 6 to Tuesday 11 April.
  • Last day of school 2023: June 10, 2023 (preschool June 30).


  • November 31;
  • April 24;
  • June 3rd.

School calendar 2022-2023 Sardinia

  • First day of school: September 14, 2022.
  • Christmas holidays: from Saturday, December 24 to January 7, 2023.
  • Easter holidays: from Thursday, April 6th to Tuesday, April 11th.
  • Last school day: June 10th.


  • November 2, 2022;
  • April 28, 2023.

In this publication, we talked about the school holidays in Italy 2022-2023. Indicated their exact dates for each province. All-Holidays.Info has collected information about holidays and vacations for schoolchildren in other countries. Perhaps it will be of interest to you. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends!