Holidays in Italy 2024 (official dates)

In this publication, All-Holidays.Info has collected information about holidays in Italy 2024. You will find out what holidays there are in Italy, how they differ. We will also provide the exact officially approved dates of holidays and significant dates. For some of them you will find explanations and brief descriptions.

This may interest you:

What holidays exist in Italy?

Holidays in Italy are fixed by law. The law defines several types of holidays, namely:

  1. Public holidays.
  2. Civil celebrations.
  3. National holidays.
  4. International holidays.
  5. Feasts of the Patron Saint.

All these significant and memorable dates are enshrined in the laws and regulations of the Italian government. In addition to them, there is a separate holiday, enshrined in the circular of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of March 28, 2013 – Day of National Unity, Constitution, Anthem and Flag. Although this day is a holiday, it does not give the right to be released from work or school.

On public holidays, residents of Italy have the right to vacation. It is not available on other holidays. On national and international holidays, Italian authorities and local governments usually organize public events. Not all international holidays are celebrated. In this publication, we present holidays in Italy in 2024, which are common among Italians.

Every province, city or commune has a patron saint. One day a year is dedicated to him. Patron Saint’s Day is a local public holiday. On this date, all residents of the territory where this day is celebrated have the right to vacation. More information about the Patron Saints of different territories of Italy can be found at this link:

Important! Below we have listed holidays in Italy 2024. at the time of publication, the dates of some of them were not set or officially announced. Check them on the websites of local administrations or state web portals.

Holidays in Italy 2024

Below are the holidays in Italy 2024 in chronological order. Opposite each holiday it is indicated what type it belongs to. Accordingly, you can determine whether this date is a working day or a vacation.


  • January 1 (Monday) 2024 – New Year (public holiday).
  • January 6 (Saturday) 2024 – Epiphany (public holiday).
  • January 7 (Sunday) 2024 – National Flag Day (national holiday).
  • January 27 (Saturday) 2024 – Remembrance Day (the day the gates of Auschwitz were demolished, an international holiday).


  • February 9 (Friday) 2024 – National Vegetative States Day (national holiday).
  • February 10 (Saturday) 2024 – Remembrance Day of the Istrians, Fiumians and Dalmatians (civic celebration).
  • February 11 (Sunday) 2024 – Lateran Pacts (civil celebration).
  • February 21 (Wednesday) 2024 – National Louis Braille Day (national holiday).

What do Istrians, Fiumians and Dalmatians celebrate on Remembrance Day?

This day of remembrance commemorates the victims of the massacre and expulsion of Italians from Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia during and after the Second World War. Then the Yugoslav partisans executed and dumped into the foibs the bodies of thousands of Italians suspected of supporting fascism.

The Foibes were deep natural sinkholes in the karst region along the northeastern border of Italy. The killings triggered a mass exodus of up to 350,000 people from Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia in the post-war years, when these territories were annexed into Yugoslavia.

What are the Lateran Pacts?

The Lateran Pacts were a set of agreements concluded in 1929 between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See recognizing the sovereignty and independence of the Vatican City. They resolved the “Roman Question” that arose in the 19th century, which concerned the status of the papacy after the popes lost territorial authority over the Papal States.


  • March 3 (Sunday) 2024 – Cancer Prevention Day (international holiday).
  • March 11 (Monday) 2024 – European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism (international holiday).
  • March 17 (Sunday) 2024 – Day of National Unity, Constitution, Anthem and Flag (holiday).
  • March 18 (Monday) 2024 – National Day of the Victims of COVID-19 (national holiday).
  • From March 21 to May 31, 2024 – Organ Donation Day (international holiday).
  • March 22 (Friday) 2024 – Day of Remembrance of Fallen Special Service Employees.
  • March 24 (Sunday) 2024 – National Reading Day (national holiday).
  • March 25 (Monday) 2024 – Dantedi.
  • March 27 (Wednesday) 2024 – National Theater Day (national holiday).
  • March 28 (Thursday) 2024 – Air Force Day (national holiday).

What kind of holiday is Dantedi?

Dantedì is a day dedicated to the memory of Dante Alighieri. It was established in 2020 in honor of the 700th anniversary of the poet’s death. The day March 25th was not chosen by chance. According to legend, on the night of March 24-25, 1300, Dante Alighieri got lost in the forest. This event is described in the prelude to the poem “The Divine Comedy”.


  • April 1 (Monday) 2024 – Easter Monday (public holiday).
  • April 4 (Thursday) 2024 – National Spinal Cord Injury Day (national holiday).
  • April 25 (Thursday) 2024 – Liberation from Nazi fascism (1945, public holiday).


  • May 1 (Wednesday) 2024 – Labor Day (public holiday).
  • May 3 (Friday) 2024 – National Construction Information Day (national holiday).
  • May 5 (Sunday) 2024 – National Epilepsy Day (national holiday).
  • May 5 (Sunday) 2024 – National Day Against Pedophilia and Child Pornography (national holiday).
  • May 9 (Thursday) 2024 – Europe Day (international holiday).
  • May 9 (Thursday) 2024 – Day of Remembrance for Victims of Domestic and International Terrorism and Similar Massacres (national holiday).
  • May 19 (Sunday) 2024 – National Popular Music Day (national holiday).
  • May 19 (Sunday) 2024 – National Cancer Day (national holiday).
  • May 26 (Sunday) 2024 – National Aid Day (national holiday).
  • May 26 or June 2, 2024 – National Blood Donation Day (national holiday).


  • June 2 (Sunday) 2024 – Republic Day (public holiday).
  • June 2 (Sunday) 2024 – National Sports Day (national holiday).
  • June 5 (Wednesday) 2024 – National Carabinieri Day (national holiday).
  • June 9 (Sunday) 2024 – National Innovation Day (national holiday).
  • June 10 (Monday) 2024 – Navy Day (national holiday).


  • August 8 (Thursday) 2024 – National Day of the Sacrifice of Italian Labor in the World (national holiday).
  • August 15 (Thursday) 2024 – Assumption of the Virgin Mary (public holiday).


  • September 28 (Saturday) 2024 – Popular uprising in Naples (Quattro giornate di Napoli, Four days in Naples) against the Nazi fascists. (civil celebration).

The Quattro giornate di Napoli, or Four Days of Naples, was a popular uprising in Naples, Italy, from September 27 to 30, 1943. It occurred shortly after the Armistice between Italy and the Allied Forces on September 8, 1943. During those days, the Germans who occupied Naples sought to forces to maintain control over the city.

The people of Naples rebelled against the German occupation. Civilians erected barricades and resisted German troops using all the improvised weapons they had. The uprising was led by local residents, but was largely spontaneous and disorganized. Then various political factions, such as communists, monarchists and Catholics, united to fight against the German forces.

After four days of fierce street fighting, the Germans were forced to withdraw from Naples on 30 September. It was the first major European city to free itself from Nazi occupation with minimal external support.


  • October 4 (Friday) 2024 – Saints Francis and Saint Catherine, patron saints of Italy (civil celebration).
  • October 4 (Friday) 2024 – Day of Peace, Brotherhood and Dialogue between Representatives of Different Cultures and Religions (International Holiday).
  • October 6 (Sunday) 2024 – National Day to Eliminate Architectural Barriers (national holiday).
  • October 12 (Saturday) 2024 – National Christopher Columbus Day (national holiday).
  • October 13 (Sunday) 2024 – Day of Victims of Accidents at Work (international holiday).
  • October 24 (Thursday) 2024 – UN Day (international holiday).


  • November 1 (Friday) 2024 – All Saints’ Day (public holiday).
  • November 4 (Monday) 2024 – National Unity Day (civic celebration).
  • November 9 (Saturday) 2024 – Freedom Day in memory of the demolition of the Berlin Wall. (international holiday).
  • November 12 (Tuesday) 2024 – Day of Remembrance of military and civilians killed in international peacekeeping missions (civilian celebration).
  • November 12 (Tuesday) 2024 – Day of Remembrance for Sailors Missing at Sea (civil celebration).
  • November 21 (Thursday) 2024 – National Tree Day (national holiday).
  • November 22 (Friday) 2024 – National School Safety Day (national holiday).


  • December 8 (Sunday) 2024 – Immaculate Conception (public holiday).
  • December 16 (Monday) 2024 – National Space Day (national holiday).
  • December 25 (Wednesday) 2024 – Nativity of Jesus (public holiday).
  • December 26 (Thursday) 2024 – St. Stephen (public holiday).

All-Holidays.Info dedicated this article to the topic of holidays in Italy 2024. We provided the exact dates obtained from official and reliable sources. We hope you found the information you were interested in. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends!